Rhosyn German Shepherds

Glossary of Canine Terms - C

Cahp - The jowl or forepart of the face. Chop e.g. Pug or Bulldog.
Canines - The two upper and lower sharp-pointed teeth next to the incisors. Fangs
Cat Foot - A compact round foot, well knuckled up.
Character - Combination of type, appearance, disposition and behaviour
Cheeky - Too thick or flabby in the cheeks.
Chest - The part of the body between the brisket and belly, not the front part of the body.
China Eye - A blue wall eye.
Chiselled - Clean cut beneath the eyes.
Chop - The upper or lower part of the mouth, the jaw, a cheek. Chap.
Condition - A dog is said to be in condition when his physiacl fitness suits him for the purpose required, e.g. work, etc.
Conformation - The way the parts of the body are assembled as a balanced whole.
Coupling - The part of the body of a dog between the forequarters and hindquarters.
Cow Hocked - Hocks turning inwards, hind feet turning out.
Crabbing - The body moves sideways to point of direction so rear feet do not clip front feet i.e. the body is in angle to point of direction.
Crabbing - Dog moves with the body at an angle to the line of travel
Croup - The part of top line extending from the rear of the loin to the set on of tail, and including the sacrum vertebrae.
Cryptorchid - An adult male whose testicles are abnormally retained in the abdominal cavity. Bilateral cryptorchidism involves both sides; that is neither testicle has descended into the scrotum. Unilateral cryptorchidism involves one side only; that is one testicle is retained or hidden and one descended
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