Rhosyn German Shepherds

Rhosyn Zulu Cl I 'A' 'Z V (F)

DOB : 27/08/2002
Registration # : 5100025482
Microchip / Tattoo # : RHY592
Hip : 'A' (8-5)
Elbow : 'Z' (0-1)
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Breed Critique :

A large, strong and substantial well proportioned bitch of very good type. Good withers, firm back, slightly short and slightly steep croup. Very good fore and hindquarter angulation. Stands not quite correct in front. For her age pronounced fore and lower chest development. Strong but still feminine head with very good eye colour, the ears are set slightly broad. Steps correct both front and rear however both the elbows and hock joints should be slightly firmer. During movement displays a very good ground covering gait with strong hindquarter drive and free forehand reach with very good back transmission. Temperament firm, lively and good natured.

Faults and Virtues :

A bitch standing on the upper limit of size, that is strong and substantial, of very good type and overall construction. Presented today in a firm and dry and in very good condition. At times has a tendency to fall slightly on the forehand.

Breeding Advice :

Select a well coloured and well pigmented male of similar type. Size, hip and elbow status should be a prime consideration when selecting a suitable male. Connections to Troy Noriswand, Nilson Wildsteiger Land and Hammer Waterkant are not recommended. Photo at Twenty (20) months owned in partnership with M & J Edwards (Tasmania) Excellent 11th Judge J Rodger Broken Hill 2005 Excellent 11th Judge B O'Rourke Broken Hill 2005 Excellent 3 GSDC of SA State Breed Evaluation: Judge Mr J Neddermeyer 2004 Excellent 1 Siegerin GSDC of Tas. Inc State Breed Assessment Judge Mrs F Farley 17th October 2004 12th. place Intermediate Bitch 2004 National, 29 Exhibited Junior Bitch Siegerin Tasmania: Judge: Mr V Tantaro 19 October 2003 Junior Bitch winner Adelaide Plains Kennel Club Mr. J. Rodger.
Line Breeding : Uran Wildsteiger Land 5-5: Eiko, Vasall, Vopo Kirschental 5-4,5
Height : 61
Eye Colour : Dark

last modified: 9:58pm Friday the 5th of September, 2008