Rhosyn German Shepherds

Leishjaclyn Zpartacus 'A' 'Z Hneg V (M)

DOB : 10/12/1999
Registration # : 410050462
Microchip / Tattoo # :
Hip : 'A' (2-2) Normal
Elbow : 'Z' (0-0) Normal
HNEG : Hneg
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Breed Critique :

A large, strong, substantial dog with a masculine head and expression. High wither, very good topline with a well moulded croup that could be fractionally longer. Stands correct in front. Correct fore and underchest development for his age. Very good forehand angulation with very good angulation of the shoulder and upper arm, very good underline, very good hindquarter angulation. In movement hocks slightly loose, elbows firm. Has an expansive far reaching movement and powerful drive.

Faults and Virtues :

A young dog which impresses with absolute masculinity and harmonious construction. Attention should be apid to length of croup which is slightly short.

Breeding Advice :

Beneficial for the lines of Jeck Noricum and where improvement in forehand and overlins is required.
Line Breeding : Vinberg Gilded Cascade 3-2 'Q' Litter Arminius (Quina/Quando) 5-5
Height : 65
Eye Colour : Medium

last modified: 12:30pm Friday the 9th of May, 2003