Rhosyn German Shepherds

Rhosyn Quest for Power Cl. I 'A' 'Z Hneg V (M)

DOB : 07/10/2000
Registration # : 5100016995
Microchip / Tattoo # : RHY534
Hip : 'A' (2-3)
Elbow : 'Z' (0-1)
HNEG : Hneg
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Breed Critique :

A strong, masculine, well proportioned, well pigmented dog of correct medium size. High Withers, firm back, very good length and lay of the croup. Very good fore and hindquarter angulations. Stands correct in front with balanced chest proportions for the age, ideally the pasterns should be a little firmer and the front feet a little closer knit. Strong masculine head with the desired dark eye colour, very good ear carriage. Steps correct both front and rear however both the hock joints and elbows should be firmer. During movement displays a very powerful far reaching dynamic movement with very good back transmission however at times the ligamentation over the back could remain a fraction firmer. Temperament and character firm, lively and natural.

Faults and Virtues :

A dog of absolute correct medium size which is strong and substantial. He is of very good type and harmoniously constructed. He presents a very pleasing picture in both stance and movement, however his overall ligamentation could be a little firmer.

Breeding Advice :

Suitable for firm and dry bitches requiring improvement in type, angulations and overall anatomical construction. Connections to the lines of Hammer Waterkant maybe advantageous, however under no circumstances should connections to the lines of Iniff Vagrant/Edlenblut Orkan be considered.
Line Breeding : Rhosyn Moonlighting 4-4
Height : 63.5
Eye Colour : Dark

last modified: 1:35pm Saturday the 15th of January, 2005