Rhosyn German Shepherds

Search Results

# Name : Sire : Dam :
0Audun HaidsUhlmsdorf French FireEdlenblut Nevada
1Audun HarassUhlmsdorf French FireEdlenblut Nevada
2Audun HellaUhlmsdorf French FireEdlenblut Nevada
3Audun HermesUhlmsdorf French FireEdlenblut Nevada
4Audun HermioneUhlmsdorf French FireEdlenblut Nevada
5Audun HertaUhlmsdorf French FireEdlenblut Nevada
6Cherpam AlexUhlmsdorf French FireJazzleo Jossie
7Cherpam AmberUhlmsdorf French FireJazzleo Jossie
8Cherpam Andys ChoiceUhlmsdorf French FireJazzleo Jossie
9Cherpam AnnakaUhlmsdorf French FireJazzleo Jossie
10Cherpam ArcherUhlmsdorf French FireJazzleo Jossie
11Cherpam ArrowUhlmsdorf French FireJazzleo Jossie
12Cherpam AstroUhlmsdorf French FireJazzleo Jossie
13Cherpam AztecUhlmsdorf French FireJazzleo Jossie
14Edlenblut Radiant FireUhlmsdorf French FireUlverscroft The Daisy
15Edlenblut Raging FireUhlmsdorf French FireUlverscroft The Daisy
16Edlenblut Rapid FireUhlmsdorf French FireUlverscroft The Daisy
17Edlenblut Red FireUhlmsdorf French FireUlverscroft The Daisy
18Edlenblut Rim FireUhlmsdorf French FireUlverscroft The Daisy
19Edlenblut Seattle StarUhlmsdorf French FireEdlenblut Rhapsodi
20Edlenblut SolitaireUhlmsdorf French FireEdlenblut Rhapsodi
21Edlenblut Star BuckUhlmsdorf French FireEdlenblut Rhapsodi
22Edlenblut Star DustUhlmsdorf French FireEdlenblut Rhapsodi
23Edlenblut Star FireUhlmsdorf French FireEdlenblut Rhapsodi
24Edlenblut Star GazerUhlmsdorf French FireEdlenblut Rhapsodi
25Edlenblut Star StruckUhlmsdorf French FireEdlenblut Rhapsodi
26Edlenblut StarletteUhlmsdorf French FireEdlenblut Rhapsodi
27Edlenblut Stormin NorminUhlmsdorf French FireEdlenblut Rhapsodi
28Goldsteins ImpactUhlmsdorf French FireGoldsteins Bella Rosa
29Goldsteins IndigoUhlmsdorf French FireGoldsteins Bella Rosa
30Goldsteins IndiscreetUhlmsdorf French FireGoldsteins Bella Rosa
31Goldsteins IndiscretionUhlmsdorf French FireGoldsteins Bella Rosa
32Goldsteins InfallibleUhlmsdorf French FireGoldsteins Bella Rosa
33Goldsteins InfiniteUhlmsdorf French FireGoldsteins Bella Rosa
34Goldsteins IsaacUhlmsdorf French FireGoldsteins Bella Rosa
35Hashima Double FireUhlmsdorf French FireNorspro Angel
36Hashima Double FlareUhlmsdorf French FireNorspro Angel
37Hashima Double FrenchUhlmsdorf French FireNorspro Angel
38Kelinpark TerminatorUhlmsdorf French FireKelinpark Night Dancer
39Lorenglen Fall GuyUhlmsdorf French FireLorenglen Back Chat
40Lorenglen Fancy PantsUhlmsdorf French FireLorenglen Back Chat
41Lorenglen Fast FalkonUhlmsdorf French FireLorenglen Back Chat
42Lorenglen Fire LordUhlmsdorf French FireLorenglen Back Chat
43Lorenglen First LadyUhlmsdorf French FireLorenglen Back Chat
44Lorenglen Flaming StarUhlmsdorf French FireLorenglen Back Chat
45Nemodat Cool CardUhlmsdorf French FireKarlstadt Kokomo
46Nemodat Cool CatUhlmsdorf French FireKarlstadt Kokomo
47Nemodat Cool CrystalUhlmsdorf French FireKarlstadt Kokomo
48Nemodat Cool CustomerUhlmsdorf French FireKarlstadt Kokomo
49Nemodat Foxys FireUhlmsdorf French FireAllinka Eurythmic
50Nemodat Frenchen FernoUhlmsdorf French FireAllinka Eurythmic
51Nemodat Grande GadflyUhlmsdorf French FireDarkana Innes
52Nemodat Grande GambleUhlmsdorf French FireDarkana Innes
53Nemodat Grande GandhiUhlmsdorf French FireDarkana Innes
54Nemodat Grande GatsbyUhlmsdorf French FireDarkana Innes
55Nemodat Grande GestureUhlmsdorf French FireDarkana Innes
56Nemodat Grande GinjaUhlmsdorf French FireDarkana Innes
57Norbenheim KansasUhlmsdorf French FireEdlenblut Nyoka
58Norbenheim KeylargoUhlmsdorf French FireEdlenblut Nyoka
59Norbenheim KooperUhlmsdorf French FireEdlenblut Nyoka
60Norbenheim KurfewUhlmsdorf French FireEdlenblut Nyoka
61Stormharfen QuellaUhlmsdorf French FireStormharfen Melody
62Stormharfen QuestUhlmsdorf French FireStormharfen Melody
63Stormharfen QuestaUhlmsdorf French FireStormharfen Melody
64Stormharfen QuittaUhlmsdorf French FireStormharfen Melody
65Stormharfen QuontoUhlmsdorf French FireStormharfen Melody
66Stormharfen QuotannaUhlmsdorf French FireStormharfen Melody
67Uhlmsdorf Jack FireUhlmsdorf French FireUhlmsdorf Sky Lark
68Uhlmsdorf Jamaican FireUhlmsdorf French FireUhlmsdorf Sky Lark
69Uhlmsdorf Jersey FireUhlmsdorf French FireUhlmsdorf Skylark
70Uhlmsdorf LauserUhlmsdorf French FireDogrock Roulette
71Uhlmsdorf Night CharmerUhlmsdorf French FireCalenberg Night Rager
72Uhlmsdorf Night FireUhlmsdorf French FireCalenberg Night Rager
73Uhlmsdorf On FireUhlmsdorf French FireDogrock Roulette
74Uhlmsdorf Phoenix FlairUhlmsdorf French FireUhlmsdorf Easy Magic
75Uhlmsdorf Seattle FireUhlmsdorf French FireUhlmsdorf Sky Lark
76Uhlmsdorf SpitfireUhlmsdorf French FireUhlmsdorf Sky Lark
77Uhlmsdorf Ultimate FireUhlmsdorf French FireUhlmsdorf Polar Ice
78Uhlmsdorf Vagabonde FireUhlmsdorf French FireUhlmsdorf Sky Lark