Rhosyn German Shepherds

Gilarisha My Home Brew Cl II 'A' 'Z (M)

Dam : Gilarisha Elsa
DOB : 16/12/2008
Registration # : 5100054199
Microchip / Tattoo # : GIR 088
Hip : 'A' (3-4)
Elbow : 'Z' (0-0) Normal
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Breed Critique :

A correct medium size, richly coloured and well pigmented dog of still good proportions. Good wither, slight nick behind, sufficiently firm back, slightly short and slightly steep croup. Very good angle and length of the shoulder blade, the upper arm should be a little longer and better angled. Very good hindquarter angulation with good breadth of thigh. Stands slightly wide in front with good fore and slightly deep lower chest proportions. Ideally the lower chest should be a little longer. Strong masculine head with very good breadth of skull and very good eye colour and very good ear carriage. Steps correct at rear, slightly wide in front with good firmness of hock joints, the elbows however should be still closer laying. During movement shows good ground covering gait where both the hindquarter drive and forehand reach should be more expansive and the ligamentation of the back should remain a little firmer. Temperament and character calm and good natured. Slightly underdeveloped dentition.

Faults and Virtues :

A dog of correct size displaying very good masculinity and that should not become any deeper in lower chest. Overall should be firmer in ligamentation.

Breeding Advice :

Suitable for bitches requiring improvement in colouration and sex characteristics. No further connections to the ancestors within the pedigree is advised. Care to be exercised in regards to strength of dentition. Connections to Kwint Juerikstall or Cayos Noriswand are not recommended.

Line Breeding : Iwan Lechtal (3-3) Alimanda Gila (3-2) Alimanda ‘G’ litter - Guess Who, Get Smart (4,5-4)
Height : 62
Eye Colour :

last modified: 11:01pm Thursday the 10th of October, 2019