Rhosyn German Shepherds

Mutz vd Pelztierfarm Cl I 'a' Sch HII VA (M)

Registration # : 1122617
Microchip / Tattoo # :
Hip : 'a'
Elbow :
  This is the slide show pop up area. This needs to be HUUGESS

Breed Critique :

Medium size,very good expression, dry and hard bones, very good angulation, yet he should still develop overall a little more. Good depth of brisket, chest could be more pronounced. Croup is slightly sloped. Straight front view and good firmness in pasterns. He is being presented out of coat. Self-assured, carefree temperament and pronounced protective instinct. -- 1970: Full of substance, perfect chest formations.

last modified: 12:43pm Thursday the 6th of February, 2003