Rhosyn German Shepherds

AUSTRIAN & AUSTRALIAN SIEGER Iwan v Lechtal Cl I 'a' 'Z Hneg Sch HIII VA (M)

DOB : 16/12/1992
Registration # : SZ1862375
Microchip / Tattoo # :
Hip : 'a'
Elbow : 'Z'
HNEG : Hneg
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Breed Critique :

Large, strong, very good proportions, very good type and expression. Very good topline, croup, angulations and chest proportions. Straight in front. Very far reaching movement. Firm temperament, hardness, courage and combative instinct pronounced, releases. Assessments and comments for life survey: Presented in very good condition.

Faults and Virtues :

Very impressive stud dog with very good overall construction, strong pigment and very good outline.

Breeding Advice :

Recommended for improvement of type and anatomy, especially the croup.
Line Breeding : Cello Romerau 3-3 Palme Wildsteiger Land 4,5-5,5 Nick Wienerau 5-5 Q Litter Arminius 3,4-4 (Quina3-Quanna 4-4) X Litter Arminius 4,5,5-5 (Xaver4,55- Xando 5)
Height : 64.5
Eye Colour : Dark

last modified: 7:10pm Tuesday the 18th of February, 2003