Breed Critique :
Above medium size, strong, richly pigmented male with an excellent masculine head and expression, dark mask and eyes. Stands with a high wither, just a slight nick behind the wither, firm back into a well laid, slightly short croup. Stands correct in front and steps correct. Very good angulation of the fore and hindquarter with good breadth of thigh. Very good fore and underchest. Shows very good ground covering movement. Firm in character and to the gun. Slightly dropped lower central incisors.
Faults and Virtues :
A very good dog presenting a very good picture in stance, full of type. He comes out of a pet home and was presented in excellent condition.
Breeding Advice :
Suitable to improve size, strength and type. He comes from a very good family line with a top performing sister and is one of the best sons of Cayos Noriswand I have seen.
last modified: 6:13pm Wednesday the 2nd of October, 2019