Rhosyn German Shepherds

Edensmuir Vital Spark of Bedwin Cl I V (F)

Dam : Edensmuir Auroa
DOB : 07/02/1975
Registration # : UK81882/75
Microchip / Tattoo # :
Hip :
Elbow :
  This is the slide show pop up area. This needs to be HUUGESS

Breed Critique :

Under medium height, medium strong, very good proportions, feminine head of good type, good pigment, good withers, strong back, correct length croup set slightly steep, slightly steep forequarter angulation, scapula set slightly foreward, excels in hindquarter angulation, good front, good forequarter proportions, good ground covering gait and good temperament.

Faults and Virtues :

Moves slightly wide in front due to slight barrel of ribs, a very feminine bitch of very good movement. Good temperament. Excels in hindquarter angulation.

Breeding Advice :

A dog of correct front angulation and good colour and markings. Correct rib development essential.
Height : 51
Eye Colour : Dark

last modified: 8:34pm Monday the 7th of April, 2003